為替 音節 連結音






A: Have you been following the impact of the weak yen on investments?

B: Not really. What's happening in the investment world?

A: Well, the depreciation of the yen is creating some interesting opportunities and challenges.

B: Really? Can you give me an example?

A: Sure. For instance, Japanese stocks have become more attractive to foreign investors.

B: Interesting. Why is that?

A: Because they can buy more shares with the same amount of foreign currency.

B: I see. What about Japanese investors? How are they affected?

A: They're looking more at overseas investments to hedge against the weaker yen.

B: Wow, it sounds like the weak yen is really shaking things up in the investment world.





1. シラブル(音節)について

  • depreciation: 5音節 (de-pre-ci-a-tion)
    "ci" の音が "シ" ではなく "シエ" になるよう注意
  • opportunities: 6音節 (op-por-tu-ni-ties)
    "tu" の音が "チュ" ではなく "チュー" になるよう注意
  • attractive: 3音節 (at-trac-tive)
    "trac" の音をはっきりと発音
  • currency: 3音節 (cur-ren-cy)
    "ren" の音をはっきりと発音

2. リンキング(連結)について

  • been following: "been" と "fol" をつなげて "bee-nfollowing" のように発音
  • impact of: "t" と "o" をつなげて "impac-tof" のように発音
  • what's happening: "s" と "h" をつなげて "what-shappening" のように発音
  • more attractive: "re" と "a" をつなげて "mo-rattractive" のように発音
  • how are: "w" と "a" をつなげて "ho-ware" のように発音


  • 音節の数を意識し、各音節をはっきりと発音する
  • 単語と単語の間をなめらかにつなげる練習をする
  • 英語特有の音(例:th音、r音)を正確に発音する
  • 強勢のある音節とそうでない音節の違いを意識する
  • 投資関連の用語(例:stocks, foreign investors, hedge)の正確な発音を練習する





Have you been following the impact of the weak yen on investments?
Not really. What's happening in the investment world?
Well, the depreciation of the yen is creating some interesting opportunities and challenges.
Really? Can you give me an example?
Sure. For instance, Japanese stocks have become more attractive to foreign investors.
Interesting. Why is that?
Because they can buy more shares with the same amount of foreign currency.
I see. What about Japanese investors? How are they affected?
They're looking more at overseas investments to hedge against the weaker yen.
Wow, it sounds like the weak yen is really shaking things up in the investment world.


-為替, 音節, 連結音