為替 音節 連結音






A: Have you noticed the recent surge in foreign tourists in Japan?

B: Yes, I have. It seems like they're everywhere. Is it related to the weak yen?

A: Absolutely. The depreciation of the yen has made Japan more affordable for overseas visitors.

B: Interesting. How's this affecting the tourism industry?

A: It's providing a significant boost. Hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions are seeing increased revenue.

B: That sounds positive. Are there any challenges coming with this influx?

A: Well, some popular destinations are struggling with overcrowding and infrastructure strain.

B: I see. What about domestic tourists? How are they affected?

A: They're facing higher costs for domestic travel, which might encourage more overseas trips.

B: Wow, it's quite a complex situation. Thanks for explaining the impact on tourism.





1. シラブル(音節)について

  • depreciation: 5音節 (de-pre-ci-a-tion)
    "ci" の音が "シ" ではなく "シエ" になるよう注意
  • affordable: 4音節 (af-for-da-ble)
    "for" の音をはっきりと発音
  • significant: 4音節 (sig-ni-fi-cant)
    "cant" の音が "キャント" ではなく "カント" になるよう注意
  • infrastructure: 4音節 (in-fra-struc-ture)
    "struc" の音をはっきりと発音

2. リンキング(連結)について

  • noticed the: "d" と "th" をつなげて "notice-dthe" のように発音
  • surge in: "ge" と "in" をつなげて "sur-gin" のように発音
  • made Japan: "de" と "Ja" をつなげて "ma-dJapan" のように発音
  • how's this: "s" と "th" をつなげて "how-sthis" のように発音
  • are seeing: "re" と "see" をつなげて "ar-seeing" のように発音


  • 音節の数を意識し、各音節をはっきりと発音する
  • 単語と単語の間をなめらかにつなげる練習をする
  • 英語特有の音(例:th音、r音)を正確に発音する
  • 強勢のある音節とそうでない音節の違いを意識する
  • 観光関連の用語(例:tourists, attractions, overcrowding)の正確な発音を練習する





Have you noticed the recent surge in foreign tourists in Japan?
Yes, I have. It seems like they're everywhere. Is it related to the weak yen?
Absolutely. The depreciation of the yen has made Japan more affordable for overseas visitors.
Interesting. How's this affecting the tourism industry?
It's providing a significant boost. Hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions are seeing increased revenue.
That sounds positive. Are there any challenges coming with this influx?
Well, some popular destinations are struggling with overcrowding and infrastructure strain.
I see. What about domestic tourists? How are they affected?
They're facing higher costs for domestic travel, which might encourage more overseas trips.
Wow, it's quite a complex situation. Thanks for explaining the impact on tourism.


-為替, 音節, 連結音