
AI 使って独り英会話(テーマ:ベトナムの私の家)



My aprtment in Vietnam

This time I talk about my room in bedroom in Vietnam I stay in Hanoi one year and now I stayed in painful province Fair almost the weather is cloudy and hot and almost I cannot see the sun I only see proud but now I stay in apartment and I can see the town to town hall many trees which have a yellow flower and wiping by the wind I feel relaxing though because the green trees is good for me I should turn or less than 10 cars going around the street here is better so there are many bikes sometime better on people ride on bike race family it's me the bike is but I did buy three or four people it's surprising for me because in Japan at least two is the most person who can ride on the bike but in Vietnam I see four or five person stay in the bike that's the one time which was surprising to me but I feel it's good for family because that's it cross to each other and when I see that funny almost there talking and the smiling it causes me good feeling but as I said almost Friday and I don't see no sounds so maybe it's a VISA on the air is not good for Harris so sometimes I think I have to wear the mask but I don't like Mass because I cannot see the face which make clear my feelings I want easy conversation it's me I want the easy communication which brings me happy which makes me happy when coming to 19 comes or or people have to wear the mask at the time almost or person cannot make Korea their feelings it's not good for people so now I don't wear the mask to make Korea my feelings thank you

<AI の文章要約と英語訂正>

  1. あなたが話した内容を日本語で要約します。話の主要なポイントや重要な詳細を含むようにまとめます。
  2. 英語の文章について文法的な正確さをチェックします。文法的な誤りがあれば指摘し、より適切な言い回しがある場合は提案します。フィードバックはすべて日本語で行います。





Motorcycle と表現した方がよかったようです。



  1. "I stay in Hanoi one year" は "I stayed in Hanoi for one year" や "I have been staying in Hanoi for one year" のように言い換えると良いでしょう。
  2. "painful province Fair" は意味が不明確です。おそらく "Thanh Hoa province" のことを指していると思われます。
  3. "I only see proud" は文脈に合っておらず、意味が通じません。
  4. "turn or less than 10 cars" は "ten or less than 10 cars" のように言い換えると良いでしょう。
  5. "ride on bike race family" は "ride on bikes as a family" のように言い換えると良いでしょう。
  6. "stay in the bike" は "ride on the bike" のように言い換えると良いでしょう。
  7. "I think I have to wear the mask" は "I thought I had to wear a mask" のように過去形で言い換えると良いでしょう。
  8. "I cannot see the face which make clear my feelings" は "I cannot see the face which makes my feelings clear" のように言い換えると良いでしょう。




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