英会話 ヒアリング練習

英語が聞こえるようになる シラブルとリンキング練習【サッカーマンチェスターシティ ホームタウンについて】










A: Manchester, the home of City, has quite a rich football history, doesn't it?

B: Absolutely! It's often called the capital of football in England.

A: I agree. How do you think the city's industrial past has influenced its football culture?

B: The working-class roots have certainly shaped the passionate fan culture we see today.

A: True. Do you think there's a strong rivalry between City and United fans in the city?

B: Definitely. The Manchester derby is one of the most anticipated events in the city.

A: How has the success of both clubs impacted Manchester's global image?

B: It's put Manchester on the map. The city is now known worldwide as a football mecca.

A: Do you think the city's regeneration is linked to the success of its football clubs?

B: To some extent, yes. The global attention has certainly boosted investment and tourism.






  1. "Manchester" の発音:man-che-ster (3音節)と区切って発音する。
  2. "industrial" の発音:in-dus-tri-al (4音節)を明確に区分する。
  3. "anticipated" の発音:an-ti-ci-pa-ted (5音節)と正確に区切る。
  4. "regeneration" の発音:re-ge-ne-ra-tion (5音節)に注意する。


  1. "home of" のmとoをリンクさせて "ho-mof" と発音する。
  2. "capital of" のlとoをリンクさせて "capita-lof" と発音する。
  3. "shaped the" のdとthをリンクさせて "shape-dthe" と発音する。
  4. "success of" のsとoをリンクさせて "succes-sof" と発音する。




A: Manchester, the home of City, has quite a rich football history, doesn't it?

B: Absolutely! It's often called the capital of football in England.

A: I agree. How do you think the city's industrial past has influenced its football culture?

B: The working-class roots have certainly shaped the passionate fan culture we see today.

A: True. Do you think there's a strong rivalry between City and United fans in the city?

B: Definitely. The Manchester derby is one of the most anticipated events in the city.

A: How has the success of both clubs impacted Manchester's global image?

B: It's put Manchester on the map. The city is now known worldwide as a football mecca.

A: Do you think the city's regeneration is linked to the success of its football clubs?

B: To some extent, yes. The global attention has certainly boosted investment and tourism.






Manchester, the home of City, has quite a rich football history, doesn't it? Absolutely! It's often called the capital of football in England. I agree. How do you think the city's industrial past has influenced its football culture? The working-class roots have certainly shaped the passionate fan culture we see today. True. Do you think there's a strong rivalry between City and United fans in the city? Definitely. The Manchester derby is one of the most anticipated events in the city. How has the success of both clubs impacted Manchester's global image? It's put Manchester on the map. The city is now known worldwide as a football mecca. Do you think the city's regeneration is linked to the success of its football clubs? To some extent, yes. The global attention has certainly boosted investment and tourism.




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-英会話, ヒアリング練習