英会話 ヒアリング練習

英語が聞こえるようになる シラブルとリンキング練習【サッカー マンチェスターシティ エンブレムについて】








A: Manchester City's emblem has quite a story behind it, doesn't it?

B: Absolutely! The current design is actually a modernized version of their older crest.

A: I find the ship on the emblem intriguing. Do you know what it represents?

B: It symbolizes Manchester's history as a trading city and its canal system.

A: That's fascinating. What about the three diagonal stripes?

B: They represent the three rivers that run through Manchester: the Irwell, Medlock, and Irk.

A: I see. The red rose is quite prominent too. Is that Lancashire's symbol?

B: Yes, it's the red rose of Lancashire. It's a nod to the city's historical roots.

A: Do you think the emblem effectively represents the club's identity?

B: Definitely. It blends the city's heritage with the club's modern ambitions perfectly.



  1. "Manchester" の発音:man-che-ster (3音節)と区切って発音する。
  2. "emblem" の発音:em-blem (2音節)を明確に区分する。
  3. "intriguing" の発音:in-tri-guing (3音節)と正確に区切る。
  4. "diagonal" の発音:di-a-go-nal (4音節)に注意する。


  1. "quite a" のtとaをリンクさせて "qui-ta" と発音する。
  2. "version of" のnとoをリンクさせて "versio-nof" と発音する。
  3. "ship on" のpとoをリンクさせて "shi-pon" と発音する。
  4. "blend the" のdとthをリンクさせて "blen-dthe" と発音する。




A: Manchester City's emblem has quite a story behind it, doesn't it?

B: Absolutely! The current design is actually a modernized version of their older crest.

A: I find the ship on the emblem intriguing. Do you know what it represents?

B: It symbolizes Manchester's history as a trading city and its canal system.

A: That's fascinating. What about the three diagonal stripes?

B: They represent the three rivers that run through Manchester: the Irwell, Medlock, and Irk.

A: I see. The red rose is quite prominent too. Is that Lancashire's symbol?

B: Yes, it's the red rose of Lancashire. It's a nod to the city's historical roots.

A: Do you think the emblem effectively represents the club's identity?

B: Definitely. It blends the city's heritage with the club's modern ambitions perfectly.






Manchester City's emblem has quite a story behind it, doesn't it? Absolutely! The current design is actually a modernized version of their older crest. I find the ship on the emblem intriguing. Do you know what it represents? It symbolizes Manchester's history as a trading city and its canal system. That's fascinating. What about the three diagonal stripes? They represent the three rivers that run through Manchester: the Irwell, Medlock, and Irk. I see. The red rose is quite prominent too. Is that Lancashire's symbol? Yes, it's the red rose of Lancashire. It's a nod to the city's historical roots. Do you think the emblem effectively represents the club's identity? Definitely. It blends the city's heritage with the club's modern ambitions perfectly.




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-英会話, ヒアリング練習