英会話 ヒアリング練習

英語が聞こえるようになる シラブルとリンキング練習【サッカーマンチェスターシティ FWについて】




A: Have you seen Manchester City's latest match? Their forwards were on fire!

B: Yeah, I caught it! Erling Haaland's performance was particularly impressive.

A: Absolutely! His ability to find space and finish is unparalleled.

B: True, but don't you think they rely on him too much sometimes?

A: That's a fair point. What other forwards do you think deserve more playing time?

B: I'd like to see Julian Alvarez get more chances. He's shown great potential.

A: I agree. His movement off the ball is excellent, and he links up well with midfielders.

B: Exactly! Do you think Pep Guardiola will adjust his tactics to accommodate both Haaland and Alvarez?

A: It's possible. Guardiola is known for his tactical flexibility and innovation.

B: Well, whatever he decides, I'm excited to see how City's attack evolves this season.





  1. "Manchester" の発音:man-che-ster (3音節)と区切って発音する。
  2. "particularly" の発音:par-ti-cu-lar-ly (5音節)と明確に区切る。
  3. "unparalleled" の発音:un-pa-ra-lleled (4音節)に注意。
  4. "accommodate" の発音:a-ccom-mo-date (4音節)を意識する。


  1. "Have you" のyとuをリンクさせて "Ha-vyou" と発音する。
  2. "latest match" のtとmをリンクさせて "lates-tmatch" と発音する。
  3. "ability to" のyとtをリンクさせて "abili-tyto" と発音する。
  4. "shown great" のnとgをリンクさせて "show-ngreat" と発音する。




A: Have you seen Manchester City's latest match? Their forwards were on fire!

B: Yeah, I caught it! Erling Haaland's performance was particularly impressive.

A: Absolutely! His ability to find space and finish is unparalleled.

B: True, but don't you think they rely on him too much sometimes?

A: That's a fair point. What other forwards do you think deserve more playing time?

B: I'd like to see Julian Alvarez get more chances. He's shown great potential.

A: I agree. His movement off the ball is excellent, and he links up well with midfielders.

B: Exactly! Do you think Pep Guardiola will adjust his tactics to accommodate both Haaland and Alvarez?

A: It's possible. Guardiola is known for his tactical flexibility and innovation.

B: Well, whatever he decides, I'm excited to see how City's attack evolves this season.





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-英会話, ヒアリング練習