A: Have you noticed how Manchester City's attacking style has evolved this season?
B: Yeah, it's quite different. They seem more direct now, don't they?
A: Exactly! Haaland's presence has changed their approach significantly.
B: True. How do you think this affects their midfield play?
A: Well, De Bruyne's role has become even more crucial in creating chances.
B: I see. And what about their wing play? It seems less prominent now.
A: You're right. They're focusing more on central areas to exploit Haaland's strengths.
B: Interesting. Do you think this makes them more predictable?
A: Not really. Guardiola's tactical flexibility still keeps opponents guessing.
B: Good point. It'll be fascinating to see how teams try to counter this approach.
どうでしたか? もう一度ききましょう。
1. シラブル(音節)について
- attacking: 3音節 (at-tack-ing)
- 最後の "ing" をはっきりと発音
- significantly: 5音節 (sig-ni-fi-cant-ly)
- 各音節を明確に区別して発音
- predictable: 4音節 (pre-dict-a-ble)
- "dict" の音に注意し、"ディクト" と発音
2. リンキング(連結)について
- Have you noticed: "Have" と "you" をつなげて "Ha-vyou" のように発音
- more direct now: "more" と "direct" をつなげ、"direct" と "now" もスムーズにつなげる
- affects their: "s" と "th" をスムーズにつなげる
- even more crucial: "more" と "crucial" をなめらかにつなげる
- 長い単語(例:significantly, predictable)の音節を正確に区切って発音する
- 文末の子音(特に "t" や "d")をはっきりと発音する
- "th" 音(例:their, think)を正確に発音する練習をする
- 質問文のイントネーション(文末を上げる)に注意する