間違えやすい単語 英単語 毎日の復習






🗣️ AIからの質問:
Hello, nice to meet you, Kate. I'd love to hear about what a typical day looks like for you. Can you walk me through your daily routine?

✏️ 私の文章 1:
My daily routine is a string in the morning

✅ 修正後の文章 1:
My daily routine starts in the morning.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'a string'は不自然な表現のため、'starts'を使用してより自然な表現に修正

2.listen と hear の使い分け。具体名でなく抽象名で(Cake→Book)

✏️ 私の文章 2:
I wake up at 5:30 and after that I hear some radio, and after that I started studying English by cake for about 30 minutes

✅ 修正後の文章 2:
I wake up at 5:30, and after that, I listen to the radio. Then, I start studying English with a book for about 30 minutes.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'hear some radio'を'listen to the radio'に修正
  • 'by cake'を'with a book'に修正
  • 文を適切に区切り、より読みやすい構造に

3.理由はわからないが。。。I'm not sure why, but studying English...

✏️ 私の文章 3:
In the morning, I can for 2000 English agency it's mean I can pronounce it most in the morning. The reason I don't know but in the morning it's good for me to study English so I keep studying English in the morning.

✅ 修正後の文章 3:
In the morning, I can study English for two hours. It helps me improve my pronunciation. I'm not sure why, but studying English in the morning is good for me, so I continue to do it.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • '2000 English agency'を'two hours'に修正
  • 'it's mean'を'it helps me improve'に変更
  • 文章全体の構造を整理し、より明確で自然な表現に

4.問題を解決してくれる。。。... show me how to solve problems


🗣️ AIからの質問:
…What kind of books do you enjoy reading during that time? / That's a valuable perspective! History can teach us important lessons. How do you usually unwind after your long day?

✏️ 私の文章 1:
I like history book because sometimes history book tells me how to solve the program

✅ 修正後の文章 1:
I like history books because sometimes they show me how to solve problems.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'history book'を複数形'history books'に修正
  • 'tells me how to solve the program'をより自然な'show me how to solve problems'に変更


✏️ 私の文章 2:
Usually, I I would take a bath for 30 minutes

✅ 修正後の文章 2:
Usually, I take a bath for 30 minutes.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'I I would take'を現在形の'I take'に修正してより自然な表現に
  • 重複した'I'を削除

6.Websiteは make ではなく、create

✏️ 私の文章 3:
On the weekend I play football and sometimes I make I create website so it's good for me

✅ 修正後の文章 3:
On the weekend, I play football, and sometimes I create websites, which is good for me.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'make I create website'を'create websites'に簡潔に修正
  • 適切な句読点を追加
  • 'so it's good for me'を'which is good for me'により洗練された表現に

7. other , another の違い


🗣️ AIからの質問:
Taking a bath sounds relaxing after a long day! Do you have any favorite activities or hobbies you enjoy while unwinding? […] What do you enjoy most about making websites?

✏️ 私の文章 1:
I create website of English conversation and praying, herbal and another trip matter

✅ 修正後の文章 1:
I create websites about English conversation, prayer, herbal topics, and other travel-related matters.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 前置詞'of'を'about'に変更
  • 'praying'を名詞形の'prayer'に修正
  • 'trip matter'をより明確な'travel-related matters'に変更
  • 適切なカンマと接続詞の使用

other , another

  1. "another" の使い方
  • 単数形の名詞の前でのみ使用
  • 「もう1つの」「別の1つの」という意味
  • 例:
    • I need another book. (もう1冊の本が必要です)
    • Let's try another way. (別の方法を試してみましょう)
  1. "other" の使い方
  • 単数形・複数形どちらの名詞とも使える
  • 「他の」「その他の」という意味
  • 複数の項目を示す場合によく使用
  • 例:
    • The other book is on the table. (もう一方の本はテーブルの上にあります)
    • Other books are in the library. (他の本は図書館にあります)
    • I like other sports too. (他のスポーツも好きです)

この例文の場合: ❌ another trip matterother travel-related matters


  • 複数の事項について言及しているため、"other" を使用
  • "matters" が複数形なので、"another" は使えない
  • "other" を使うことで「その他の」という包括的な意味を表現できる



1.S+Ⅴ;my routine starts in the morning

2.listen , hear ; i listen to the radio every morning

3.i am not sure why.., i am not sure why, but studying in the morning help me to learn english well.

4. show me how to solve problems; books about history show us how to solve problems.

5. another , other ; i create a lot of kind website about english, playing football, and other.

-間違えやすい単語, 英単語, 毎日の復習