独り英会話 英単語 毎日の復習




1.何かの場所を補足的にいう場合 which を使う


🗣️ AIからの質問:
Can you tell me about some recurring activities that you have in your life, such as meetings or classes?

✏️ 私の文章:
I have meeting from 845 and we go to meeting room E meeting room E is on the third floor

✅ 修正後の文章:
I have a meeting from 8:45, and we go to meeting room E, which is on the third floor.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  1. 'meeting'の前に不定冠詞'a'を追加
  2. 文を'and'でつなぎ、適切な句読点を追加
  3. 重複を避けるため、後半を関係代名詞'which'を使用した文に変更

2.何か仮定の表現を使う場合。 If を使う


✏️ 私の文章:
Sometime we talk about some problem for example, someone have a problem in his mind or in her mind

✅ 修正後の文章:
Sometimes we talk about problems, for example, if someone has something on their mind.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  1. 'Sometime'を副詞の'Sometimes'に修正
  2. 'have a problem'を'has something'に変更
  3. 'in his mind or in her mind'をよりシンプルな'on their mind'に変更
  4. 全体的な文の構造を整理し、より簡潔で自然な表現に

3.議論するには discuss を使用。何か理由を示す場合に使う Since 。


🗣️ AIからの質問:
It's nice that everyone can share their concerns. How do you usually address these problems during the meeting?

✏️ 私の文章:
Usually, we talk about each problem and we we we have a lot of kind of a opinion so we we say each other's opinion

✅ 修正後の文章:
Usually, we discuss each problem, and since we have a lot of different opinions, we share our thoughts with each other.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  1. 'talk about'をより formal な'discuss'に変更
  2. 重複する'we'を整理
  3. 'kind of a opinion'をより明確な'different opinions'に変更
  4. 文末の表現を'share our thoughts with each other'に改善し、より洗練された表現に

4.~に役立つという意味の help。


🗣️ AIからの質問:
It's helpful to clarify roles and actions. Can you share an example of a decision made during these meetings that helped your team?

✏️ 私の文章 1:
These discussions impact us what should we can we can we can get how to do and what should we do?

✅ 修正後の文章 1:
These discussions help us understand what we should do and how we can achieve our goals.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'help us understand'という分かりやすい表現を使用
  • 目標達成に関する部分を簡潔に表現

5.~を勧める。recommend that ...

✏️ 私の文章 2:
Find example for someone for in her mind or in his mind, we we we have we have a meeting with them and sometimes we recommend to go to doctor the doctor

✅ 修正後の文章 2:
For example, sometimes we have a meeting with someone, and we recommend that they go to the doctor.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 重複した単語を削除
  • 文の構造をより論理的に整理
  • 代名詞の使用を適切に

7. Sometimes の使用方法

✏️ 私の文章 3:
Sometime we talk about the well-being

✅ 修正後の文章 3:
Sometimes we talk about well-being.

📝 AIからのフィードバック:

  • 'Sometime'を'Sometimes'に修正(副詞の正しい形)
  • 不要な定冠詞'the'を削除



1.which: we have a meeting every friday at the e meeting room, which is on the third floor.

2.if : we discuss about well being also, if someone has some problem in their mind.

3.help: what kind of impact that meeting have ? the meeting helps us that we share the problem.

4.recommend: we recommend that we share some issue.

5.sometimes: sometimes we have meeting.

sometime ,and sometimes , difference

sometimesometimes の違いを示す例文を3つご紹介します:

  1. 使い方:sometime(いつか、将来のある時点で)
  • 英文:I hope to visit Japan sometime next year.
  • 和訳:来年のいつか日本を訪れたいと思います。
  1. 使い方:sometimes(時々、ときどき)
  • 英文:Sometimes I like to go for a walk in the morning.
  • 和訳:時々朝に散歩に行くのが好きです。
  1. 使い方:sometime(近い将来のある時点)
  • 英文:Let's have coffee sometime this week.
  • 和訳:今週中のいつか、コーヒーを飲みましょう。


  • sometime:未来の特定の一時点を指します(単数の時点)
  • sometimes:繰り返し起こる行為や状態を指します(複数の時点)
  • sometime は主に未来の予定や可能性を話す際に使用します
  • sometimes は習慣や定期的に起こることを説明する際に使用します

-独り英会話, 英単語, 毎日の復習