英会話 毎日の復習

句動詞【Put ... on】【Put over...】Cake の英会話の復習

まずは 句動詞、Put on の復習


句動詞(phrasal verb)とは: 句動詞は、動詞と前置詞や副詞(または両方)が組み合わさってできた表現で、その組み合わせで新しい意味を持つものです。単純な動詞の意味とは異なる、独特の意味を持つことが多いです。


  1. put away: しまう、片付ける 例: Please put away your toys after playing.
  2. put off: 延期する、先延ばしにする 例: We'll have to put off the meeting until next week.
  3. put on: 着る、身につける 例: Don't forget to put on your coat before going out.
  4. put up with: 我慢する、耐える 例: I can't put up with his rude behavior anymore.
  5. put out: 消す(火や光) 例: Remember to put out all candles before going to bed.


ということで、本日勉強したCake での英会話


Do you guys minds if we listen to some music. It’s sort of rule of being in the car with me. Is that OK? No, I think , you should , uh.., You should put some music on.yeah, should we do it ?


My turn? Okay, Here we go. Ugh Oh no. It fell over. I won .  

次が、Fall over の解説

We use ”fall over ” when something loses its balance and falls from its upright position.Here are some examples. The bottle on the table fell over.I fell over and twisted my ankle.There's another phrasal verb with similar meanings."Tip over " could mean to "fall over" or to " make something fall over"The flower vase nearly tipped over.He accidentally tipped over the coffee onto his computer. How about "fall out". "Fall out " won't work in this situation. "Fall out " means to " be detached from something" For example, My hair keeps falling out.How do I stop it ? "Fall out " also means to "have a ” when something loses its balance and falls from its upright position.Here

Put on を用いた会話例を考えてみました。内容は最近の円安について。

  1. A: Have you heard? The yen's depreciation is really putting on pressure on import businesses.
    B: Yeah, it's a tough situation. How are companies dealing with it?
  2. A: Many are trying to put on a brave face, but it's clearly affecting their bottom line.
    B: I can imagine. Are there any sectors that are particularly hard hit?
  3. A: The electronics industry is really feeling the pinch. They're having to put on price increases.
    B: That must be putting on strain for consumers too, right?
  4. A: Absolutely. The government is trying to put on measures to stabilize the situation.
    B: What kind of measures are they putting on the table?
  5. A: They're putting on policies to attract foreign investment and boost exports.
    B: Do you think that'll be enough to put on the brakes for the yen's fall?
  6. A: It's hard to say. The global economic situation is putting on a lot of uncertainty.
    B: True. I heard some companies are putting on hold their expansion plans.
  7. A: Yes, and others are trying to put on new strategies to hedge against currency risks.
    B: Interesting. Are they putting on more emphasis on domestic production?
  8. A: Some are. Others are putting on efforts to diversify their supply chains.
    B: It sounds like everyone's having to put on their thinking caps to navigate this.
  9. A: Definitely. The situation is putting on a lot of pressure for innovation.
    B: I guess we'll have to see how it all plays out. It's putting on quite a show for economists.
  10. A: Indeed. Let's hope they can put on effective solutions soon.
    B: Agreed. It's a complex issue that's really putting on the spotlight on our economic policies.


  1. A: Have you heard? The yen's depreciation is really putting on pressure on import businesses.
    B: Yeah, it's a tough situation. How are companies dealing with it?
    A: 聞いた?円安が輸入企業に本当に大きな圧力をかけているんだ。
    B: うん、厳しい状況だね。企業はどう対処しているの?
  2. A: Many are trying to put on a brave face, but it's clearly affecting their bottom line.
    B: I can imagine. Are there any sectors that are particularly hard hit?
    A: 多くの企業が強がっているけど、明らかに収益に影響が出ているよ。
    B: 想像できるよ。特に大きな打撃を受けている業界はある?
  3. A: The electronics industry is really feeling the pinch. They're having to put on price increases.
    B: That must be putting on strain for consumers too, right?
    A: 電機業界が本当に苦しんでいるね。価格を引き上げざるを得ない状況だ。
    B: それは消費者にも負担をかけることになるよね?
  4. A: Absolutely. The government is trying to put on measures to stabilize the situation.
    B: What kind of measures are they putting on the table?
    A: その通り。政府は状況を安定させるための対策を講じようとしているよ。
    B: どんな対策を検討しているの?
  5. A: They're putting on policies to attract foreign investment and boost exports.
    B: Do you think that'll be enough to put on the brakes for the yen's fall?
    A: 外国投資を呼び込んで輸出を促進する政策を打ち出しているんだ。
    B: それで円安に歯止めをかけるのに十分だと思う?
  6. A: It's hard to say. The global economic situation is putting on a lot of uncertainty.
    B: True. I heard some companies are putting on hold their expansion plans.
    A: 何とも言えないね。世界経済の状況が大きな不確実性をもたらしているから。
    B: そうだね。一部の企業は拡大計画を保留にしていると聞いたよ。
  7. A: Yes, and others are trying to put on new strategies to hedge against currency risks.
    B: Interesting. Are they putting on more emphasis on domestic production?
    A: そう、他の企業は為替リスクをヘッジするための新戦略を打ち出そうとしているんだ。
    B: 面白いね。国内生産により重点を置いているの?
  8. A: Some are. Others are putting on efforts to diversify their supply chains.
    B: It sounds like everyone's having to put on their thinking caps to navigate this.
    A: そうしている企業もあるね。他にはサプライチェーンの多様化に力を入れている企業もあるよ。
    B: みんなこの状況を乗り切るために知恵を絞っているみたいだね。
  9. A: Definitely. The situation is putting on a lot of pressure for innovation.
    B: I guess we'll have to see how it all plays out. It's putting on quite a show for economists.
    A: その通り。この状況がイノベーションへの大きな圧力になっているんだ。
    B: どう展開するか見守るしかないね。経済学者にとってはかなり興味深い見世物になっているよ。
  10. A: Indeed. Let's hope they can put on effective solutions soon.
    B: Agreed. It's a complex issue that's really putting on the spotlight on our economic policies.
    A: そうだね。早く効果的な解決策を打ち出せることを願おう。
    B: 同感だ。本当に複雑な問題で、私たちの経済政策に注目が集まっているね。




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-英会話, 毎日の復習