




1.主語に説明を付加するにあたり前置詞である of, in, on などを使う方法
5.主語に、動名詞 V_ing の形をつけて話す方法

今回は、S+V+O の構文において Sに説明をつけくわえる例文のうち 
主語に過去分詞 をつけて話すタイプの例を学びます。


主語に過去分詞を付けて説明を加える例文を、S + V-ed/V-en + V + O の形式で10個挙げます。

  1. The book written by the famous author became a bestseller.
  2. The cake baked by my grandmother tasted delicious.
  3. The project completed last week received praise from the client.
  4. The decision made by the committee sparked controversy among the members.
  5. The song performed by the choir moved the audience to tears.
  6. The painting displayed in the gallery attracted many visitors.
  7. The speech given by the politician inspired the crowd.
  8. The meal prepared by the chef looked mouth-watering.
  9. The building designed by the architect won a prestigious award.
  10. The story told by the grandmother captivated the children.



ビジネスシーンで使えそうな、主語に過去分詞を付けて説明を加える例文を、S + V-ed/V-en + V + O の形式で10個挙げます。

  1. The report submitted by the marketing team contained valuable insights.
  2. The contract signed with the new client will increase our revenue significantly.
  3. The proposal drafted by the sales department received positive feedback from the management.
  4. The budget allocated for the project covered all necessary expenses.
  5. The presentation delivered by the team leader impressed the audience.
  6. The strategy devised by the consultant proved effective in increasing market share.
  7. The software developed by the IT department streamlined the company's operations.
  8. The training conducted by the HR team improved employee productivity.
  9. The agreement reached between the two companies fostered a strong partnership.
  10. The product launched last quarter exceeded sales expectations.



サッカーのミーティングで使えそうな、主語に過去分詞を付けて説明を加える例文を、S + V-ed/V-en + V + O の形式で10個挙げます。

  1. The tactics discussed during the meeting proved effective in the match.
  2. The formation changed by the coach in the second half improved our attacking play.
  3. The weakness identified in our defense was exploited by the opponent.
  4. The goal scored in the last minute secured our victory.
  5. The player substituted in the second half brought fresh energy to the team.
  6. The set-piece practiced during training led to a crucial goal.
  7. The mistake made by the goalkeeper cost us the match.
  8. The passes completed by the midfielders controlled the game's tempo.
  9. The runs made by the forwards created numerous scoring chances.
  10. The instructions given by the captain helped the team maintain their focus.


英語を長く話すコツとは? まとめ
